Export Orders

Export Orders into Excel xlsx, xls or csv or html or xml or user defined xml. MultiStore supported.

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 Export PrestaShop Orders into Excel xlsx, xls or csv or html or xml.

Quick help and overview You can find here: http://www.praotec.com/nvn-export-orders-instructions/

Latest Documentation You can find here: http://www.praotec.com/category/prestashop/nvn-export-orders/

More than 150 fields for export, + Multiline field, + 16 Calculated fields.

- from last exported orders
- from date
- to date
- automatic day from - to now
- order status
- Carrier
- Supplier
- group by (order num., customer num., customer group, product id, manufacturer, supplier)
- sort result by each field
- shop name (in multi store)
- Only Orders with Invoice

- number format in export (Comma as separator in number, keep leading zeros of Phone, Postcode, etc. for MS Excel)
- round decimals
- date format in export (d/m/Y H:i:s or international standard notation)
- CSV delimiter
- encode output to Your charset
- CRON links for six settings
- change exported orders status


- Excel xlsx or Excel 5 xls
- csv
- html
- xml
- user defined xml or xml transformation via XSLT stylesheet (read more...)

- Send exported orders to e-mail
- Send exported orders to ftp

- CRON support for automatic sending (CRON links for six settings)

- Live export, immediately, automatically after new Order is created.

- OPTION to rewrite XML elements tag, CSV columns + buttons direct from module

- Six alternative settings for easy switch fields, filters and option

Tested for Prestashop from version to latest 1.7.x (MultiStore supported)

After instalation in Back Office>Modules>Administration.

Update is free

Discussion about this product at the PrestaShop Forum

Available fields:

Order No
Artibute image links
B2B company
Calculated Field1
Calculated Field10
Calculated Field11
Calculated Field12
Calculated Field13
Calculated Field14
Calculated Field15
Calculated Field16
Calculated Field2
Calculated Field3
Calculated Field4
Calculated Field5
Calculated Field6
Calculated Field7
Calculated Field8
Calculated Field9
Card brand
Card expiration
Card holder
Card number
Carrier external module
Carrier ID
Carrier Name
Carrier tax_rate
Category ID
Combination price
Combination wholesale
Currency conversion rate
Customer Group Name
Customer Message
Customer No
Customer website
Customized data
Date Added
Date Updated
Default Image link
Delivery Address1
Delivery Address2
Delivery City
Delivery Company
Delivery Country
Delivery Country code
Delivery Date
Delivery DNI
Delivery Firstname
Delivery Lastname
Delivery No
Delivery other
Delivery Phone
Delivery PhoneMobile
Delivery Postcode
Delivery State
Delivery State code
Delivery VAT number
Ecotax tax rate
Feature value
First Name
Gift Message
Gift Wrapping
Group reduction
ID address delivery
ID address invoice
Id attribute
Id Customer Group
ID Manufacturer
ID order state
ID Supplier
Images links
Invoice Address1
Invoice Address2
Invoice City
Invoice Company
Invoice Country
Invoice Country code
Invoice Date
Invoice DNI
Invoice Firstname
Invoice Lastname
Invoice No
Invoice number prefix
Invoice other
Invoice Phone
Invoice PhoneMobile
Invoice Postcode
Invoice State
Invoice State code
Invoice VAT number
Last Name
Manufacturer Name
Multi-line Field
Order Detail ID
Order reference
Order status
Product attribute id
Product description
Product EAN13
Product ID
Product Name
Product pack
Product Price
Product Quantity
Product Reference
Product UPC
Quantity discount
Recycled Packaging
Reduction amount
Reduction percent
Shipping Number
Shop name
Supplier Name
Supplier reference
System messages
Tax Rate
Tax total amount
Tax unit amount
Tax-tax rate
Total Discounts
Total discounts tax excl
Total discounts tax incl
Total Paid
Total Paid Real
Total paid tax excl
Total paid tax incl
Total price tax excl
Total price tax incl
Total Products
Total products with tax
Total Shipping
Total shipping tax excl
Total shipping tax incl
Total Wrapping
Total wrapping tax excl
Total wrapping tax incl
Transaction ID
Unit price tax excl
Unit price tax incl
Voucher name
Voucher value
Voucher value tax excl
Wholesale Price

... and more in each next version. See images.